Thanks TD. It seems you really know about this.
I think as someone said they are nothing... but a business. However, I think this kind of analysis can help some people to wake up.
the answer to this question is not that easy or obvious as you might think.
if your answer is "creationists" you are wrong, they are evolutionists a rare breed of evolutionists, but evolutionists at last .. at this stage of my argumentation you might think i have lost my mind for stating jehovahs witnesses are evolutionists, but this might be because you are thinking as the wt has taught you to think.
the wt has presented a distorted view of the theory of evolution.
Thanks TD. It seems you really know about this.
I think as someone said they are nothing... but a business. However, I think this kind of analysis can help some people to wake up.
the answer to this question is not that easy or obvious as you might think.
if your answer is "creationists" you are wrong, they are evolutionists a rare breed of evolutionists, but evolutionists at last .. at this stage of my argumentation you might think i have lost my mind for stating jehovahs witnesses are evolutionists, but this might be because you are thinking as the wt has taught you to think.
the wt has presented a distorted view of the theory of evolution.
TD – According to WT just 43 “kinds” of mammals, 74 “kinds” of birds, and 10 “kinds” of reptiles; or at best 72 “kinds” of quadrupeds and less than 200 bird “kinds” produced all the species that we see today after the flood (that is 4000 years ago). I think that is stretching a bit the concept of variation between a "kind".
Because the WT didn't list the “kinds” they referred to, we can't know for certain what these are. But due to the reduced number of “kinds” they calculated, I can assumed then that horses, asses, and zebras are of the same "kind" or have a common pre-flood ancestor and that after the flood they evolved in different species. If that is the case, can the WT assert that the horses’ legs were designed as stated in October's Awake?
the answer to this question is not that easy or obvious as you might think.
if your answer is "creationists" you are wrong, they are evolutionists a rare breed of evolutionists, but evolutionists at last .. at this stage of my argumentation you might think i have lost my mind for stating jehovahs witnesses are evolutionists, but this might be because you are thinking as the wt has taught you to think.
the wt has presented a distorted view of the theory of evolution.
Mohrb - I was just thinking on this: why ask young JWs at school to defend creation by attacking evolution if, in fact, JWs believe in evolution? Wouldn't be more fair for young JWs to say: "we believe in evolution, but that the process was set up by God"?
Another question: according to JWs "readily observable" idea of evolution, are dogs and wolfs of the same "kind"? What about cats and lions? and Kangaroos and Koalas?
BTW - The Catholic Church has accepted evolution for decades, and JWs bashed it for that... what is the reason if JWs believe in evolution too?
the answer to this question is not that easy or obvious as you might think.
if your answer is "creationists" you are wrong, they are evolutionists a rare breed of evolutionists, but evolutionists at last .. at this stage of my argumentation you might think i have lost my mind for stating jehovahs witnesses are evolutionists, but this might be because you are thinking as the wt has taught you to think.
the wt has presented a distorted view of the theory of evolution.
Mohrb - If that is the case with JWs they should stop presenting creation and evolution as two opposing views. Also, if evolution is " readily observable" it is fair to ask "Was it designed?", how do you know if that specific feature they are highlighting in an Awake's article evolved or was created?
the answer to this question is not that easy or obvious as you might think.
if your answer is "creationists" you are wrong, they are evolutionists a rare breed of evolutionists, but evolutionists at last .. at this stage of my argumentation you might think i have lost my mind for stating jehovahs witnesses are evolutionists, but this might be because you are thinking as the wt has taught you to think.
the wt has presented a distorted view of the theory of evolution.
KateWild - I see your point, but being objective (not being limited but their own definitions) if they believe in evolution they are evolutionists. They like it or not...
the answer to this question is not that easy or obvious as you might think.
if your answer is "creationists" you are wrong, they are evolutionists a rare breed of evolutionists, but evolutionists at last .. at this stage of my argumentation you might think i have lost my mind for stating jehovahs witnesses are evolutionists, but this might be because you are thinking as the wt has taught you to think.
the wt has presented a distorted view of the theory of evolution.
The answer to this question is not that easy or obvious as you might think. If your answer is "creationists" you are wrong, they are evolutionists – a rare “breed” of evolutionists, but evolutionists at last –.
At this stage of my argumentation you might think I have lost my mind for stating Jehovah’s Witnesses are evolutionists, but this might be because you are thinking as the WT has taught you to think. The WT has presented a distorted view of the theory of evolution. For this particular view, the theory of evolution is very broad, it is said to explain the origin of the universe (with its millions of stars and planets), the origin of life on earth, and at last the origin of the species, including humankind. Besides, the WT adds philosophical components to it such as that evolution and science denie the existence of God (when in fact science does not denies or affirms the existence of God as is not a subject that can be studied through the scientific method). The theory of evolutiondoes not try to explain all the above. In brief, it just focuses on how species change to adapt to its environment (I’m not an expert on this field so excuse any misrepresentation).
So, do Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in the true meaning of the theory of evolution? Yes, they do. But, they take the stand that evolution started after the flood of Noah’s days. They are forced to take this stand because the Ark that Noah supposedly built could not accommodate the high number of species that populate the earth today. It is just physically impossible. Then, the only possible solution to this dilemma was for them to accept that a much reduced number of species were in the Ark, and that from these few the rest of the species evolved. Therefore, in my opinion, they can be considered to be "post-flood evolutionists".
Can I produce any proof of this? Well consider what “Insight on the Scriptures”, under the heading “Ark” says:
“It has been estimated by some that the hundreds of thousands of species of animals today could be reduced to a comparatively few family “kinds”—the horse kind and the cow kind, to mention but two. The breeding boundaries according to “kind” established by Jehovah were not and could not be crossed. With this in mind some investigators have said that, had there been as few as 43 “kinds” of mammals, 74 “kinds” of birds, and 10 “kinds” of reptiles in the ark, they could have produced the variety of species known today. Others have been more liberal in estimating that 72 “kinds” of quadrupeds and less than 200 bird “kinds” were all that were required. That the great variety of animal life known today could have come from inbreeding within so few “kinds” following the Flood is proved by the endless variety of humankind—short, tall, fat, thin, with countless variations in the color of hair, eyes, and skin—all of whom sprang from the one family of Noah.” (Bold and underlined mine)
My questions to WT: Do God supervised this process, or species between each “kind” evolve by their own? Without an answer to this question, can you be confident to raise the question “Was it designed?” in Awake magazine’s articles?
They are afraid of JWs discussing 1914 while preparing the demonstration.
You have a group of three people trying to come up with some sense out of something that has no sense at all. They know this can backfire to them.
WT cleaver approach: "we do the demonstration for you, so you don’t have to think too much... isn't that lovely"
our kingdom ministry october 2014 .
instruction: press the 'skip ad' button top right, you should then see the download screen more easily.
no virus ;-).
Last year: 2,611,818
This year: 2,610,810
Decrease/increase: -0.04% (or 1,108 people)
our kingdom ministry october 2014 .
instruction: press the 'skip ad' button top right, you should then see the download screen more easily.
no virus ;-).
alanv - It says "in the USA branch terrotory". This year this includes Jamaica and Puerto Rico (their branches were closed and merged with the US). So maybe there is not such increase (or it is much smaller) in the USA...
this is the real estate page:
This is the real estate page: